Start Select Reset Zine | Something Like This

This issue has an ‘aesthetic preview’ of a new creative project of mine, and contains a general update on the goings on and future plans brewing at thejaymo industries.


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Issue #010 of Start Select Reset Zine just went out via snail mail to supporters subscribed at £5 a month or above!

Start Select Zine Issue #010 by Jay Springett

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Issue #010 – Something Like This

This issue has an ‘aesthetic preview‘ of a new creative project of mine, and contains a general update on the goings on and future plans brewing at thejaymo industries.

The zine is now a year into its new design format with layout being done in Affinity Designer. Learning more with each issue. The consistent design language thats evolved since issue #007 is very pleasing. This issue was the biggest print run yet and the envelope writing is now a ‘whole thing‘. An exercise that I need to set time aside for. But I really enjoy it and think I’ll keep the practice up for as long as possible as it adds ‘real‘ touch to the endeavour.

I feel like I’m still ‘very early’ with my making my zine/newsletter and sending it out to supporters, rather than offering exclusive paywalled content. But I do think that there’s something ‘here’ thats worth perusing. As the social web continues to change and evolve, the fact my home base is this website, and ‘anchor’ reward is a physical item. My dream / goal is to get the print run up to 100 issues. At that level I’d feel like something ‘serious‘ was happening.

With your support of course, things are getting more serious month by month. Issue #010 celebrates it’s largest print run yet! So big that I’ve reduced the overprint numbers which have traditionally been a % of zines I need to ship!

I continue to get more and more interested in buying a laser printer. International stamp/shipping has gone up again and printing at home would offset these new costs considerably – and streamline the production process to boot.

If you would like to help me purchase a printer and expand SSRZ’s production. Please consider subscribing!

4 more subscribers at any level would totally justify the purchase!

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Or subscribe to my physical zine mailing list from £5 a month

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